Starting on Saturday 6th of April, BYN will be hosting a series of posture clinics with Dionne Monsanto for beginners to intermediate and advanced practitioners
“From Fundamentals To The Final Expression Of The Posture”
Attend a Bikram Yoga Nairobi posture clinic with senior teacher Dionne Monsanto who teaches at multiple studios in New York.
Dionne will inspire you to discover new depth, flexibility and alignment that suits your body and level of experience perfectly.
Most people struggle to get the full benefit of each yoga posture in their practice. Many start practicing with little background in the postures or mindset behind each position, while others have been doing it for so long that they forget to concentrate on the fundamentals.
In these posture clinics, you will learn everything from the fundamentals to the final expression of each posture. You will work through any obstacles and challenges you may be experiencing. Because it is in a class-like setting you’ll be able to listen and learn from fellow students who may ask questions you didn’t think to ask.
The full series will be divided into 2 separate posture clinics of two hours each.
We will look at each posture in detail, including all the verbal instruction we give you in class and why it is important. We will also cover the benefits and modifications of each posture, and work with each of you in each posture to create correct alignment for your body.
Designed for all levels to help you grow in your own personal practice.
You can choose to attend class before the clinic if you wish to get your regular practice in, just be sure to hydrate, shower, change into a fresh set of yoga clothes, and have something very light to eat. Or you can choose to attend the 4:00 pm class afterward to practice what you just learned.
The room will be warm, but not hot, bring any questions you have.
We look forward to seeing your transformations on the mat!
Dates: Saturday 6th April & Saturday 27th April
Time: 12pm – 2pm
Price: 2500 KES for each workshop or 4000 KES for both
These 3 posture clinics have been specifically designed to help you see your body and the postures as your teachers do.
Learn to see your body in a new way so you can self-correct your alignment and achieve your wellness goals.
Advanced posture clinic
“Going Beyond”
In this posture clinic for advanced students, Dionne will give you techniques for moving into further expressions of the 26 postures you are already familiar with, as well as learn new postures and develop new abilities. Dionne will take you deeper into your practice by showing you how to go beyond the physical practice and understanding the mental aspect of it. She will teach the first set, observe what needs to be worked on, dedicate 10 – 15 minutes towards providing tips, discuss the technique, demonstrate and answer inquiries from students.
Next, Dionne will apply what was learned to the second set, giving you the opportunity to take what you learned and apply the corrections.
Date: Saturday 11th May
Time: 12pm – 2pm
Price: 2500 KES